Tips to Writing of The Procedure Text
           Procedure text is one a text in English that convey to process in the making something which serves to illustrate how to do things sequentially. That main of the definition, the text that have a function to give tutorial or how to make something such as how to cook, how to install computer or the other.

Purpose of procedure text

      The purpose of procedure text is give the direction to do something through actions or steps sequence. This purpose is author want to give a steps something to the reader about the actions or steps to make something so that to understand how to make things according to the steps provided by the authors. Of the title, you have to know from the procedure text mean and you can make understanding before you read of this definition.

Generic structure of procedure text

The generic structure of procedure text consist of three part, such as :
  • Goal / Aim Activity
In this part, the author will be try to explain about what will be create from a series of sequence of steps that will be described in the next paragraph so that the reader can be understand from the authors mean.

  • Material
In the second part, the material is consist of the materials is use in making something. But not always the procedure text include the material in article. sometimes the material is not consist of the material.
There are there types of the procedure text which do not use the material part, such as :
  • Procedure text that explained how to work something or how to use the manual instruction. Example : How to use the computer, the email, radio or the other.
  • Procedure text that instruction about how to doing something with the rules. Example : video game rules, road safety rules.
  • Procedure text that related with adjective or the human habits. Example : How to success, how to live happily
That is types of the procedure text should you know that you do not make false when you want to writing procedure text.

  •  Steps of the procedure text.
In the third part, contains that steps to writing descriptive text according the material that you have made. The steps of the procedure text must be sequence from the first till the end.

  • In the end / Conclusion of the procedure text
The conclusion of procedure text according of the title text of the procedure text and the steps of the procedure text.
Characteristic of the procedure text

There are some characteristic in the procedure text should you know, such as :

  1. Using the imperative sentences such as do not mix, cut, fried or the other.
  2. Conjunctive use in the sequence of activities, such as while, before after or the other.
  3. Using action verbs, such as put, turn or the other.
  4. Using adverbials to convey about the details times, places, accurate ways or the other, such as : two hours, for ten minutes or the other.
  5. Using simple present.
That all about the tips to create procedure text. we hope this article can be useful for you especially for the reader. OK, see you in the next post and thank you for your coming.


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