Six Steps To Start Writing The Best Essay
            Create an essay have to the basic skill in writing and train to writing more time in essay. Learn create an essay, you have to know the structure of the essay first. Essay have three part in the article such as preface, body of the essay or main of the essay and closing. For the preface is contain the introduce topic of essay that in include the paragraph would be convey.  Body of the essay is consist some paragraph (there are two into five paragraph, that depend of the idea who develop of the writer) and the closing is consist of the essay conclude.
        The definition of essay is expression and opinion from the writer to convey message the reader about something. Therefore, essay different with scientific articles or the opinion article. Essay is combination of fact between imagination that essay have different characteristic  with others. Essay is make the reader easy to read the article but still have a quality.

There are six steps to start writing essay :

  1. Determine to choose the topic. This step, you have to determine to choose the topic before you make an essay. If topic was determine, you can not to choose the topic. You just focus on the next step after you have a topic in essay. Then you have to determine type of the text that will you writing. Whether the general purpose or the specific topic to analysis. If you use the general purpose, you just the next steps and if you use the specific topic, you have to determine the topic to specific. For example : the topic is Food, This is general topic. If you want to make essay about preview of Food, you can use the Food as topic. But if you want to make a specific topic, you have to change the topic of Food more specific such as Fried Rice Food or Sea Food. This is the specific topic.
  2. Determine of the essay purpose. What the purpose you are make an essay? You have to make a purpose when you want to make an essay. Determine first the purpose of essay who will create. What’s your essay to influence the reader, convince, explain about an event, someone, idea, place or the other? Whatever the topic that you will choose, It’s must suitable with the purpose.
  3. Convey the Idea. If you have determine your topic and purpose of your essay, write your some idea who make you interest. If you have many idea you want to write is better than you have a little idea about essay. but when you have problem to find and formulate the idea, let’s see in around of you. There are something the unique in your around? Take your unique in around your life to make essay. do not be evaluate your idea before you have finished, just write your idea in your mind.
  4. Write a preface essay. Start with the interest in your life or the issue in this time. Start the preface paragraph with the true information. Although, the information is not really new, but this information can be illustrated with a good and detail. You can start with the describing your essay by using picture in a sentences. That make the reader can be describing that happens of your essay.
  5. Write the body of essay. This part is main of your essay describing and one of the detail topic from your essay. you can describe, explain and give an argument with the complete from your topic that have been determined.  Every important paragraph that you have write in outline, its becomes into one paragraph from the body of essay, every paragraph have an the same structure. In Every idea, develop your idea in every idea more detail. This elaboration can be describe or explain. After you have write the body of essay, you just write the last in essay that is closing or conclusion.
  6. Write the conclusion. The conclusion is summary of the point that have been conveyed and give the final perspective of the reader. Write the three or four sentences to describing the opinion and feels of the writer about the topic discus.

That all from the writing essay. we hope this article can be useful for reader and develop our skill especially in writing essay. thank you for your coming, see you next time in other post.

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