Definition and There Form of the Proposal
         Proposal is the proposed activities to be explained to make a plan work as systematic and detail which will be implemented or worked. proposal will be worked if the proposal have submit between each other people that have make a deal. but some sometime proposal make with purpose to have recourse or grant. proposal can also be interpreted as an article by the writer aimed to describe or explain a purpose and plan of an activity to the reader.
          Proposal as a general function have many advantages in work, school or research. the function in work such as, proposal used to proposed the plan or project in the company. this is almost the company use proposal as one of method to propose the project. In the school as like in university, the useful of proposal is want to propose the grant to the head of university to make plan or the activity in university such as organization or the other. In research, this one of useful from proposal. proposal is use in research to describe the general of research. with proposal, the researcher will know what is needed in the research.
      According to wikipedia that "research proposal is a document that provides a detailed description of the proposed program. It is like an outline of the entire research process that gives a
reader a summary of the information discussed in a project". from the statement of wikipedia, we can conclude that, proposal is part of the plan proposed program that in the form of structure writing who have detail in every subject in the paper with the result that make easy the reader to understand in the summary of the information discussed in a project.
           In other definition of Nordquist, Richard that " a document that offers a solution to a problem or a course of action in response to a need ". From this statement can conclude that proposal is a solution to a problem. this mean proposal is one of the method in resolve the problem that use the plan systematic and detail to make easy for the reader or people.

There are four types of the proposal :
  1. the project proposal : in the general part this proposal focus in the world of work that contain the series of business plans or commercial such as the building project.
  2. the business proposal : this proposal is related with the business world both individuals or groups and the example of this proposal such as business establishment, proposal in term of inter company cooperation.
  3. the activity proposal : the proposal in term of activity both of the individuals or groups such as proposal the music competition.
  4. the research proposal : in this proposal is frequently used in the academic field such as the research for creating thesis. from this proposal contain for the research propose.

Based on the proposal form is divided into three types, such as :
  1. the formal proposal form, the formal proposal form is consist of three general part such as : preface, the content of the proposal and the including part. The preliminary consist of : cover and title page, preface, summary, table of contents, approval sheet. Part of the content of the proposal : background, restricting the problems, purpose scope, basic thinking, methodology of the research, facility, the composition of the committee, advantages and disadvantages, time and cost. The part of including part : bibliography, appendix, table and the other.
  2. The non formal proposal form, this proposal is not complete than the formal proposal form, usually conveyed in the memorandum form or letter. the non formal proposal form must contain the following such as : problems, suggestions, solutions and applications.
  3. The semi formal proposal, this proposal type is almost same as non formal proposal because its not complete with the formal proposal.
Thats all from the definition of proposal, proposal is one type writing that familiar in the world of work, school and business. in our opinion, proposal is important for us especially when you solve the problem, build you business or make a organization. this writing method to propose your plan to the other people. thank you for your coming, see you in the next post.

References :

  • Wikipedia.Research proposal. Obtained 22 April 2015. From
  • Nordquist, Richard. Proposal (business writing). Obtained 22 April 2015. From

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