Types Of Literature and Definition Of The Every Types

        literature is the unique human activity that produce creative thinking in mind contain of the human's experience. the basically, literature have three general types that you have know. literature types such as poetry, prose and drama.

          Poetry is a beautiful words in writing that have a strong sense in every words to influences and convey the contain's in every words to the reader. If you think for a moment, there are many definition about poetry. Its just depend on the people's mind what's definition of the poetry. According Brandon about poetry that " poetry is like a puzzle that, when put together, create a beautiful image of truth and life". from this statement that poetry is the truly in the human life who imaged in the beautiful words. To know the contain of the poetry, the reader have to interpreting and understanding truth as detail
the main words who have in the stanza's poetry. According the times, poetry are distinguish into two part such as old poetry and new poetry.

Old Poetry
Characteristic of old poetry :
  • A folk poetry that unknown the name of author.
  • Conveyed word of mouth, an oral literature.
  • Very bound by rules as like amount line every stanza, amount of syllables as well as rhyme
The include of the old poetry are :
  • Mantra is powers that considered have a power of magic.
  • Carmina is concise pantun as like as pantun but short.
  • Pantun is poetry that have a characteristic of rhyme A-B-A-B, every stanza have 4 lines, have rhyme A-A-A-A, contained suggestions.
  • Seloka is pantun have a link to each other
  • Gurindam is poetry that consist stanza two line, rhyme A-A-A-A, contained suggestions.
  • minstrelsy is poetry that resource from Arabian with characteristic every stanza 4 lines, rhyme A-A-A-A, contained suggestions or story.
  • Talibun is exactly enough that every stanza consist of 6, 8 or 10 line.
New Poetry
A new poetry form is more free than an old poetry. both in terms of the number of rows, syllables, or rhyme. According of content, the new poetry is distinguish on :
  • Ballad is poetry contains histories or stories.
  • Hymn is poetry contains idol for God, homeland, or hero.
  • Ode is poetry flattery to the peoples hero.
  • Epigram is poetry contains guidance or teaching life.
  • Romance is poetry contains gust of love.
  • Elegy is poetry contains lamentation cry or sad.
  • Satire is poetry contains satire or criticism.
         Prose is writing that different with poetry variation rhythm who have more biggest and language that more suitable with lexical meaning. the prose writing type is usually used to description something fact or idea. According from wikipedia that "prose is a form of language that exhibits a grammatical structure and a natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry)". From this statement, prose is the arrangement of the grammatical structure and have a natural speech and speak then the rhythmic. Therefore, prose can use for newspaper, magazine, novel, encyclopedia, letter and the various type other media. prose usually divide into 4 types such as : narrative prose, descriptive prose, exposition prose and argumentative prose.
            prose are distinguished two part such as romance and novel. Romance is story that tells the story of character since he was born into dead. whereas novel just tells the parts of story character change his fate.
The characteristic who distinguish with other literature:
  • Novel is the literature of narrative type.
  • Novel is literature form of the prose
Types of prose :
  1. Fairytale. contains the story does not make sense or impossible to happen.
  2. Short story. the short essay that form of prose.
  3. Novel. the imaginative that narrate a complete side from the problematic characters life or some of character.
  4. Biography. History that write by the other people.
  5. Essay. an essay that contain popular speech with the presentation is relaxed. the use personal previews, familiar and engrossed to be read like a regular chatter.
  6. Criticism. Responses or consideration on the merits of creation (poetry, short story, drama, etc). Criticism usually accompanied with analyze or conclusions.
  7. Article. the complete papers that published in newspaper, magazine and Internet.
             Drama is action or deeds that show on the stage with using the complete tools to support the stage. drama is have the long story and many definition of this. According Hardison, Karen P L that "the definition of drama is that it is literary work that is intended to be presented on a stage or in contemporary times in a film by actors to an audience and that has characters who are in some short of conflict that involves some sort of action and a crisis with a resolution all occurring within specified atmosphere". From this statement, drama is literary work both presented on the stage or in a film that has a characters who are in sort conflict that involves some sort of action and a crisis with a resolution all occurring within specified atmosphere. while the dramatic is type of essay that convey shown in a behavior, expression and action. People that play drama is an actor. From the times, drama is divide into two types, such as :

1. The New Drama
The new drama is drama have a purpose to give an education for a people that general theme about the human daily life.
2. The Classic Drama
The classic drama is drama usually that tells about magic, palace life, kingdom. the god and goddess life, extraordinary events and the others.
Kinds drama according of contents that story contained:
  1. Comedy drama. Funny drama full of joy.
  2. Tragedy drama. The sad story drama full of misfortune.
  3. Tragedy comedy drama. The sad story drama and there is funny.
  4. Opera. drama that contains of music and songs.
  5. Slapstick. drama that actor always acting funny pattern stimulate the audiences laughter.
  6. Operetta. Opera that have a more short story.
  7. Tableau. drama that is like pantomime which accompanied by gestures of the body facial expression culprit.
  8. Passie. drama that contains religious elements.
  9. Pantomime. drama that shown in the form body movement or sign language without talks.
  10. Puppet. drama that drama's player is a puppet and the other.
          That all about the general types of literature and the specific types of every types in the literature. literature have a relate with human life and literature's born of the human culture. there are many culture and the unique culture that will be new born in the literature over the development periods. we hope this article can be useful for the people especially for the reader. thank you for you coming and see you in the next post.

References :
  • Brandon. What is a quick guide to knowing how to understand poetry. Obtained 25 April 2015. from http://poetry.yoexpert.com/reading-studying-poems/what-is-a-quick-guide-to-knowing-how-to-understand-37321.htm 
  • Wikipedia. Prose. Obtained 25 April 2015. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prose 
  • Hardison, Karen P.L. What is the definition and nature of drama. Obtained 25 April 2015. from http://www.enotes.com/homework-help/defination-nature-drama-271011 


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