Four Steps To Writing The Best News
         In the daily life, there are many information in our life such as in television, radio, smart phone, newspaper, magazine, and the other. Information in every second, minutes, hour, day, month and year always exist in around of our life. The information can we call with name is news. there are many definition in the news such as news is information about something that actual and published in the media.
       In this time, we would like to share how to write the news article. Writing news is different with writing the other article, because the writing news is need the limited words without losing an important part of the news. therefore you have to train your writing skill and train your skill in convey the information with clear and concise.
Writing news is need skill to make interesting story and easy to be reads. In writing news should give a picture or video to make the reader more interest with our news. This is the simple writing in news that ever we know to start to make news :

1. The Use 5W + 1 H
  • WHAT, the content is contain what news will be write such as criminal news, politic news or sport news.
  • WHEN, this content is contain when news event occur in the news. for example, Sunday, 12th April 2015. there are occur the soccer game club A versus Club B that the big match in the county. Day and time will be strengthen of the news.
  • WHO, this tell about the subject of the news or figure of news that role in the news. do not forget include of the subject or figure and first figure in occur of the news. if you have confused, you can search in the website news or newspaper to make references.
  • WHERE, shows the location of information or the scene of the incident occurred.
  • WHY, background of the events. As a writer, you have to know and smart to find the background of the events that why the events occurred. In this content, you can ask to people who attend in the events occurred.
  • HOW, tells the story of how news is covered could happen any positive and negative effects after it happen.
2. Start with Hot Topic
  • The news article is start with the hot topic. do not care about your news have get it. you just how to make the simple news to be hot news for the reader. To start, you have to know what the trend center and public life. search and find the public life want to know and do not forget to make the real as the trusted resource in news. after you have get the news, you have to determined of the topic will be the hot topic. in this step is train your skill and creativity to make hot topic.

3. Give Detail Information
  •  In this step, you have to give detail information to the reader. Include the information that you have get from the news with relevant and details according your news occurred, who is involved. this details is important, because the details information to help the reader what happen from the news occurred.

4. Look at the Fact Before Conclude the News and Do Not Take Sides
  • before you make conclude the news, you have to analyze your news and find the every detail news to conclude from the news. Make sure the detail news nothing wrong in writing proses. write well is on of the best way to become news writer competent.
Thats our article about how to writing the best news. news writing is not easy work but you can be the best writing news if you learn more time and learn from experience to be the writing news. Never give up for your idea. train your writing fast and do not forget to your detail news, always be careful to make news. Thank you for your coming, I hope this article can be useful to the reader and see you in the next post.

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