Definition of Poetry According to Expert
Poetry is a beautiful word in the writings and have a sense in every word to convey contain’s word to the readers. Poetry as a general  definition have many definition that depends on the every people’s mind. According to the expert that “poetry is a form of writing in which few lines run to the edge of the page , James and Jeffrey . 1981 (95:307)”. From the James and Jeffrey statement, the poetry can be conclude that poetry is part of the writing and make a few line run to the edge to make every sentences. In other opinion from according definition of plato that “ poetry is an art. In Casey,Gerrad (”. From the statement of plato above that poetry is a beautiful word that have an art to influence the readers feel that contain in the poetry. The reader will be know what the writer sense of words in the poetry. The reader get into the writer words in the poetry and take the reader’s feel when read the poetry. the reader can be felt the writer writing after they have been feel the sense of the poetry.

Poetry have a purpose as almost like a news, writing, magazine or the other. It’s convey to give a message, idea, the writer’s feel, criticism, attitudes and opinions indirectly in writing. The writer usually make a poetry take from the society life, natural, politic, economic and love. The writer make a poetry with used feel’s writer. To know the sense contained in the poetry, we have to trains and reads the poetry more time.

We think, that definition of the poetry from the expert and our opinion. There are many definition about poetry if you want to developed. Definition of poetry is depend on your feel and sense from the poetry. That’s enough from our definition about poetry, thank you for your coming and I hope this article is useful for us.

References :
  • H. Pickering, James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D.1981. Concise Companion to Literature.2nd ed. 866 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022
  • Casey, Gerrad. Hopkins: Poetry and Philosophy. Obtained 20 April 2015, from


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