Six Types The Point of View in The Literature
Point of view the literature is the position of the writer as the writing or article. this purpose to know the role point in writing. point of view have a important role in the story. for example, there was the car and motorcycle accidents. from the point of view as car driver is different with point of view as motorcycle. they have a different opinion each others. its also different point of view as you. the point of view have a control of the story because the point of view that determine of the story line.
The point of view in literature have six point of view such as the first person singular, the first person plural, the second person, the third person singular, the third person plural and mixture. this point of view have different role in the types of the point of view.
  1. The first person singular. This point of view, the writer or author as the first person in the story.  There are divide into two types in this point of view such as author as the main character and author as the not main character. author as the main character is author is puts himself as the main character. The author is tell his experience or the event that ever happened. Author as the not main character is author put him self in the story but the author not main character. author only as a witness to the incident. the author as role the narrator in the story or incident of the other main character that become the main character.
  2. The first person plural. this point of view actually is almost same with the first person singular. but use the plural pronoun "our". The author in this point of view as a person of story who spoke for some person or groups.
  3. The second person. This point of view, the author as a narrator who was talking to others. the describe of something that conducted by the person. The author use pronoun the second person such as "you".
  4. The third person singular. this point of view, the author is put himself outside of the story or not involved in the story. in the point of view, the author show the characters with call the names or the pronoun such as "she, he, his, her". The point of view is can be different the level of freedom and relation of authors. there are three types to divide in the third person singular such as the third person omniscient, the third person limited and the third person objective. The third person omniscient, this point of view is call the eyes god. because the author know the all about of the story. the author have freedom to convey the character feels or mind. The third person limited. in this point of view, The author have freedom to convey the character feel, listen, mind, experience but the author just can do the one character. The third person objective, This point of view, the author can do anything about what the character doing but the author can not convey what the character feel, thinking. the author only guess what the character felt or thought.
  5. The third person plural. The author become a narrator that tell according the perception. narrator would be call the characters with use the third person pronoun "they". Actually this point of view almost same with the first person plural. but the differences that the author outside of the story. do not get into the story that he told through the ayes characters.
  6. Mixture. this point of view, the author use the characters alternately from one character into the other character with use the different point of view such as "I, you, our, they or he/she".
Thats all from the article about types of the point of view explanation. there are many point of view that you can use to make a story or article. we think from this article above that the point of view can be influence the story line. its depend on you to choose which one the point of view will be choosing. we hope this article can be useful to all people especially to the reader. thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.


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