Definition Of Narrative Text
              Narrative text is one text that contains about story, legend, short story or myth. Example of the narrative text such as Cinderella, Pinocchio, Dragon or the other. narrative is the past stories that convey to entertain the reader. Narrative text is convey by using past tense.

        The purpose of the narrative text is entertain the reader through the story by using past text. The story is base on the real story ( Fact) or the imagine story that have a short issue and the end by using solve the problem. According the wikipedia about narrative that "the basic purpose of narrative is to entertain, to gain and hold a readers' interest". From this statement, we can conclude that narrative have purpose as to entertain, to gain and hold a readers' interest. To entertains mean that narrative text is a story to entertain the reader so that the narrative text can make the reader can be entertained by reading the story. To gains mean that reader

Tips to Writing of The Procedure Text
           Procedure text is one a text in English that convey to process in the making something which serves to illustrate how to do things sequentially. That main of the definition, the text that have a function to give tutorial or how to make something such as how to cook, how to install computer or the other.

Purpose of procedure text

      The purpose of procedure text is give the direction to do something through actions or steps sequence. This purpose is author want to give a steps something to the reader about the actions or steps to make something so that to understand how to make things according to the steps provided by the authors. Of the title, you have to know from the procedure text mean and you can make understanding before you read of this definition.

Definition and Characteristic of Writing Descriptive Text
Descriptive is writing technique which aims to make the reader as though in some place that is portrayed through writing, come to feel, seeing and hearing an event that is on descriptive writing. writing descriptive is more interesting than other writing, because you can describe the the place, character or the other you describe and the reader as though can feeling, seeing and hearing when the reader is read the descriptive writing. The purpose of descriptive writing is to describe someone, place or thing that details to the reader in form writing as though the reader can be feel, seeing and hearing through in writing.
             According of Mukarto that "Descriptive text is a kind of text to describe something, someone or place. Descriptive text has two main parts, they are identification and description. the structure of a text is called the generic structure. Descriptive text is likes describe white house, animals, fruits, etc (Mukarto, 2007:140)". From the mukarto statement, we can conclude that descriptive text is a text to describe

Create The Best Job Application Letter
           How to create a job application. In this article today, we would like to give you a tips to create a jobs application before you create a job application. you need to consider some of this tips so that a letter you create will be interesting and correct in terms of content. There are six steps to create a job application, such as :

1. You have to remember that you will create a job application by using English. Therefore, you have to create the job application by using a good grammar with the right spelling. if you are hesitate with you grammar, spelling and the contents of your application. you can ask to someone to created the job application or corrected your job application.

2. you just create the job application in one page. Therefore, you have to create job application a short and concise, to the point and also remember that the job application should use formal language.

Five Steps to Writing The Best Poetry

           Poetry is a beautiful words in the writings and have a sense in every words. everyone can be make poetry because poetry is the produce of the human minds and feels being the human life. but some people have stuck to make a poetry that said poetry just the people who have talent can be make a poetry. Actually, to make a poetry not supposed to be hard because if you have a desire and determination to learn make a poetry, you can be make a poetry easily.
          To make a poetry easily, you have to know the steps to make a poetry. Before the steps to make a poetry, you have to know the poetry is one of the literature work which tend to be shorter than in prose and drama. Although, poetry is considered the most difficult of literary works written because the poetry have to contains meaning very deep with the appropriate tone and rhythm.
The language style that used in poetry more use of figurative. It is not like a drama or prose that use

Types Of Literature and Definition Of The Every Types
        literature is the unique human activity that produce creative thinking in mind contain of the human's experience. the basically, literature have three general types that you have know. literature types such as poetry, prose and drama.

          Poetry is a beautiful words in writing that have a strong sense in every words to influences and convey the contain's in every words to the reader. If you think for a moment, there are many definition about poetry. Its just depend on the people's mind what's definition of the poetry. According Brandon about poetry that " poetry is like a puzzle that, when put together, create a beautiful image of truth and life". from this statement that poetry is the truly in the human life who imaged in the beautiful words. To know the contain of the poetry, the reader have to interpreting and understanding truth as detail

Six Types The Point of View in The Literature
Point of view the literature is the position of the writer as the writing or article. this purpose to know the role point in writing. point of view have a important role in the story. for example, there was the car and motorcycle accidents. from the point of view as car driver is different with point of view as motorcycle. they have a different opinion each others. its also different point of view as you. the point of view have a control of the story because the point of view that determine of the story line.
The point of view in literature have six point of view such as the first person singular, the first person plural, the second person, the third person singular, the third person plural and mixture. this point of view have different role in the types of the point of view.
  1. The first person singular. This point of view, the writer or author as the first person in the story.  There are divide into two types in this point of view such as author as the main character

Six Steps to Make a Good Permit Letters
      From the every student sometimes can not come to school or permits absent from school. usually that can be tolerance of the school. But, sometimes the student can be confused make an absent to her or his teacher in the school because the school do not know to make a good permits letter. So this time, we will share for you how to make a good permits letter.
There are the six steps to make permit letter, such as :

  • First, you have to write the date when you create the letter. for example : December 26th, 2015, 23 th April 2015
  • Second, salutation. this is the greeting in letter, for example : Dear, Mr. Richard.

Definition and There Form of the Proposal
         Proposal is the proposed activities to be explained to make a plan work as systematic and detail which will be implemented or worked. proposal will be worked if the proposal have submit between each other people that have make a deal. but some sometime proposal make with purpose to have recourse or grant. proposal can also be interpreted as an article by the writer aimed to describe or explain a purpose and plan of an activity to the reader.
          Proposal as a general function have many advantages in work, school or research. the function in work such as, proposal used to proposed the plan or project in the company. this is almost the company use proposal as one of method to propose the project. In the school as like in university, the useful of proposal is want to propose the grant to the head of university to make plan or the activity in university such as organization or the other. In research, this one of useful from proposal. proposal is use in research to describe the general of research. with proposal, the researcher will know what is needed in the research.
      According to wikipedia that "research proposal is a document that provides a detailed description of the proposed program. It is like an outline of the entire research process that gives a

Six Steps To Start Writing The Best Essay
            Create an essay have to the basic skill in writing and train to writing more time in essay. Learn create an essay, you have to know the structure of the essay first. Essay have three part in the article such as preface, body of the essay or main of the essay and closing. For the preface is contain the introduce topic of essay that in include the paragraph would be convey.  Body of the essay is consist some paragraph (there are two into five paragraph, that depend of the idea who develop of the writer) and the closing is consist of the essay conclude.
        The definition of essay is expression and opinion from the writer to convey message the reader about something. Therefore, essay different with scientific articles or the opinion article. Essay is combination of fact between imagination that essay have different characteristic  with others. Essay is make the reader easy to read the article but still have a quality.

There are six steps to start writing essay :

Four Steps To Writing The Best News
         In the daily life, there are many information in our life such as in television, radio, smart phone, newspaper, magazine, and the other. Information in every second, minutes, hour, day, month and year always exist in around of our life. The information can we call with name is news. there are many definition in the news such as news is information about something that actual and published in the media.
       In this time, we would like to share how to write the news article. Writing news is different with writing the other article, because the writing news is need the limited words without losing an important part of the news. therefore you have to train your writing skill and train your skill in convey the information with clear and concise.
Writing news is need skill to make interesting story and easy to be reads. In writing news should give a picture or video to make the reader more interest with our news. This is the simple writing in news that ever we know to start to make news :

Five Steps to Writing a Good Article
          Writing is one of process to convey idea, information and creativity in the writer's mind. The general purpose of writing such as to give an information to the reader, influence and persuade the reader are some of the general purpose of writing. As like as the article before in this site about definition of writing, we would like to share about how to make a good writing.There are many method to make a good writing, it's depends on your mind to make a good writing. there are five important think to make a good writing such as :
  1. Use the standard grammar. This step was important thing to start writing, because use standard grammar can make the reader understand that your writing. Standard grammar have to learn before you make writing, there are many method to learn grammar such as search reference of the other article that have a good writing, learn the pattern of grammar although you have problem and hard to

Definition of Literature According to Expert
          This time, we would like to share with you about Definition of Literature. there are many explain and argument from the expert that we have been read. According Pickering, James H & Hoeper, Jeffrey D that " the creation of literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences, (1981. 01:307)". from the statement of the expert that literature is the unique human activity that produce the creative thinking in mind in contain of the human's experience. the human can be make literature from the produce of their mind thinking. and human have made a literature since along time ago before we have know about literature.

      According from wikipedia that "Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work; etymologically the term derives from Latin literatura/litteratura "writing formed with letters",

Definition of Poetry According to Expert
Poetry is a beautiful word in the writings and have a sense in every word to convey contain’s word to the readers. Poetry as a general  definition have many definition that depends on the every people’s mind. According to the expert that “poetry is a form of writing in which few lines run to the edge of the page , James and Jeffrey . 1981 (95:307)”. From the James and Jeffrey statement, the poetry can be conclude that poetry is part of the writing and make a few line run to the edge to make every sentences. In other opinion from according definition of plato that “ poetry is an art. In Casey,Gerrad (”. From the statement of plato above that poetry is a beautiful word that have an art to influence the readers feel that contain in the poetry. The reader will be know what the writer sense of words in the poetry. The reader get into the writer words in the poetry and take the reader’s feel when read the poetry. the reader can be felt the writer writing after they have been feel the sense of the poetry.

Definition and Characteristic of Article
          Definition of Article is one of writing that contain about fact and argument of the writer or the society that included to the magazine, newspaper or the other. In this modern era, article have a strong influence to give an impact to the social humanity and especially in the economic global. according wikipedia " articles are essay factual complete with certain length that made for publication ( through the newspaper, magazine, newsletter, etc) and aims to convey ideas and facts that can convince, education and entertain". From the statement above, we can know that articles are essay factual complete to convey ideas and facts that can convince, education and entertain.
      In other statement of oxford dictionary that "piece of writing in a newspaper". From this references we can include the article can be part of newspaper because many people have know that article usually include in the newspaper, magazine and newsletter.

Definition of Writing According to Expert
Definition of writing is activity to write something idea in your mind to give idea or opinion in writing by using pencil, pen, felt-tip marker in the media paper, stone or the others. Since was a young, the human learn how to write the idea or opinion in their mind. in school, the student's learn how to make a good writing and learn to convey their idea and opinion. 
         They were trained to make confident from their write. according an expert "writing is frequently useful as preparation for some other activity, in particular when students write sentences as a preamble to discussion activities (Harmer, 2004:33)" from the research explanation above, we can be conclude that learning can help the students to involves thinking, composing and teaching students in making the use of standard written forms.