The Power of Writing
            As like as the title in this article about the power of writing, the writing have a power to change the human mind and its can be change the world. The definition of writing is one activity to convey information, idea or opinion of the author. Writing as information is that writing as the media to give information to other people or reader about news. As information writing have the rules in the information, the good writing have a good convey about information to the reader so that reader understand of information that have been written. Writing as idea is that writing as media to expression of the human mind. With using writing, human can be developed the knowledge and technology that useful for others. The human write in a paper to keep their idea and can be showed or convey to others about their idea. Writing as opinion is that writing as media to convey their opinion to other people about their opinion. Writing as communication to convey their opinion about their mind that have different opinion with other. In this case, opinion as like as disagree, criticism or the other that have different mind.
         From definition of the writing that we have been known, writing is one powerful method to change the world. the writing more change the human`s mind, it can be rule the human paradigm. that can be called the power of writing. The power of writing is ability to change the human paradigm about the subject that have been believed. Its different levels with other writing. The powerful of writing is
writing the real fact according the real data that have been researched. In writing method is used persuasive writing that said the writing was valid and supported by the real data to support the research. Its usually used in the research like a papers, thesis, scientific paper or the other.
        There are some technique that used in the power of writing such as title, persuasive method, using to the point of subject word, and reference.
  • Title
Title is one important thing to make the reader interest with our writing. Therefore, we have to make a good title to make reader interest with our writing. To make the unique title, we have to determined what title that will be chosen. Making a good and unique title, the author have to know the background of the writing. Take the point of the writing to make a title, used the title that make reader will be interested with our writing, and using to the point and not to long in make a title because the reader is not interest with long title.
  • Persuasive method
Persuasive method is technique to influence and convince or persuade the other people or readers. In this part, persuasive method is used in writing to influence and convince the reader about the writing that have been written by the author. In the every paragraph and sentences, there are consist of the persuasive method to influence and convince the reader.
  • Using to the point of subject word
Using to the point of subject word is used to make easy the reader to understand of the writing that have been written. The using to the point of subject word is aims to make the every sentence or paragraph more clearly that do not use the sentence is not important.
  • Reference
The use reference is important to support the valid data. Reference is used to support our argumentation and theory that have been made. Reference is like the support data in our writing, we can make a good writing and responsibility writing when we have the valid data that can be responsibility.
        The power of writing is one to support the writers or author in create the writing. we have to learn anymore to make a good writing to develop our knowledge and technology and can be useful with the human generation. we wish this article can be useful for the reader and can develop our knowledge. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post. 

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