Steps to Make a Good Papers
Papers is one of the scientific paper academic that generally published in journal and discuss about the objective of the specific problem. Make a papers is one activity that is quite pleasant, because we learn to find a new ways of solving these problems so that train our brain is more critical thinking. But, there are still many people assume that makes it extremely difficult papers and enough to make people confused with the task of making papers.
          In making papers, actually make the papers quite easily for those who already know the steps in making papers so as to create a good papers that is easily understood by the reader. We have to know the data collection in the field and systematic writing papers.
          Making papers is method to convey the research to the reader or other people. Therefore, we have to know the steps in making papers first before we take a research. There are some steps in making a papers such as :
  • Cover
In this steps is important because in this cover there are identify title, logo or symbol and the other. To more clearly, this example that include in cover :
  • Papers title
  • Purpose of making papers
  • Authors name
  •  Logo or symbol of the institution
  •  Institutions name and address
  •  Academic year 
This above is the content in the cover papers.
  • Title of the papers
Its can be same with cover
  • Introduction
Introduction is preface the author to submit his paper to the reader. Preface is contain :
  • Greetings
  • A short overview of the process of making papers
  • Gratitude to those who have helped in the making of papers
  • Closing
  • The writers name
This above is the content in the introduction papers.
  • Table of contents
Table of contents is aims to make easy the reader in reading and finding of the data in the  pages of papers.
  • Chapter I preface of background of the study
In this chapter, we explain about concepts, plans, ideas about the issues and objectives contained in the background. In other content, there is formulation of the problem or problem of the study that problem found in the paper material.
  • Chapter II contents
In this section contains of the research objectively or describing the contents of the papers material such as :
  • Understanding and the basic theory
  • Review the material
  • Problem solving 
  • Result of the research
Thats content of the chapter II.
  • Chapter III Conclusion and suggestion 
In this chapter is talking about the conclusion and suggestion about papers that have been made. Includes a description of the conclusions that obtained from the research. And ask advise or for the development of further research.
  • Bibliography
This bibliography is last part in the preparation of papers which contain a sources of support in research. As researcher, we have to know the rule in writing bibliography. Note the procedure of writing the name, title, year published a book and others that related to the writing of a bibliography.
        That is about Steps to make a good papers. writing a good papers will help you in create the research and make easy in writing papers. writing papers is very important in this time such as for the development knew knowledge. We hope this article can help the reader in writing papers more easy. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.

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