Make The Reader Interested In Our Writing
           Make the reader interested in our writing. From this title is tell about how to learn a good writing and unique that the reader will be interest with our writing. Writing is activity to convey information or idea that in someone minds. in other definition about writing, writing is one activity to make passive communicate with other people. Since before the existence of communication tools such as telephone or other means of communication, people have use the communication tools to use writing to convey information to others. But, some of people do not know how to make a good writing that to make easy and in interested for the reader.
         To make the reader interested in our writing, we have to know the contents and structure of the
writing. There are some method to make the reader interested in our writing such as :
  • Choose the issue
When we want to writing, we have choose the issue that trending topic in the society. The choose of the issue is influence of increasing the reader that read our writing.
  • Data collection method
In this part, if we want to make a scientific writing. We have to find the real data or valid data to support with our writing. so that our writing can be responsibility about the writing contents. 
  • Tittle
The first sight by reader is the title of our writing. Therefore, we have to make a unique and make a curious the reader in title of writing. So that the reader want to read our writing.
  • Give a lead or mind idea in every paragraph
Give a lead or mind idea in every paragraph, that aims to make the reader want to read in every paragraph because the reader have curious when reader read our writing. Make a curiosity of the reader to what we have written.
  • Writing a good groove
Writing a good groove is help the reader to make easy to understand our writing. With make a good groove, we are also easier to arrange our writing with better and easier to develop our writing.
  • Closed the posts
Closed the posts or closing our writing is one important thing that almost every author do not paying attention of this part. Closed the post is help the reader to know the conclusion of our writing and aims of our writing. Sometimes, the author make the closed the posts by using question about the writing that have been written. This aims that the author want to continue the writing post in the next session. A good writing is writing that give a conclusion and suggestion for the reader.
         Thats all about make the reader interested in our writing. Writing is one activity to convey our opinion, criticism, and idea from our mind. we wish this article can be useful for the reader in this site. Thank you for you coming and see you in the next post.


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