Distinction And Equation Of Writing Narrative Text With Recount Text

         Have you ever think the distinction and equation of narrative text with recount text? we think, every person ever have think about it when learn about narrative and recount text. We have to back of the post before about definition recount text and narrative text that we have been posted. Narrative text and recount text are include of the narration that certainly have an equation. So, how about the distinction both of them? we have to know the definition first of narrative text and recount text.
        As we have learned, the definition of narrative text is one text that contains about story, legend, short story or myth. From this definition, we can conclude that narrative text is text writing types to tells about story to entertain the reader. The story is base on the real story or fact and imagine story that have a short issue and the end have solve a problem. While the definition of recount text is one types of the text that retells about events or experiences in the past.This text is useful for someone to retells about events or experiences that ever known. the communicative purpose in recount text to convey the information, events or experiences in the past.
      From the definition above, we can distinction of the writing of narrative text and recount text such as :
  • Different of linguistic structure or generic structure
We can know the distinction of the generic structure both of the text. The generic structure of the Narrative text is orientation, complication and resolution. while the generic structure of recount text is orientation, events and re-orientation. From this generic structure, we have known the distinguish both of the text.
  • Complication of the text
There is conflict in the narrative text.that experienced by the characters. Narrative text tells about the conflict then tells about the solve of the problems. while recount text is not any conflict as like as narrative text. Recount text just tell the activities or events in a story in sequence or in a time sequence according to the story experienced by the characters.
  • Time of the story or storyline
In this part, we discuss of distinction of the narrative text and recount text. the storyline of the narrative text is not detail. Narrative text is not publish when the events of the story happen. Narrative text just write such as "once upon time or one day" to describe of the time or storyline. while recount text is describing of the time or storyline clearly than narrative text. Recount text usually mentions such as "on Monday, next week or the others".
      Thats all about distinction both of narrative text or recount text. How about the equation of narrative text and recount text. There are some equation that you have to know such as :
  • Narration text
Narrative text and recount text that include of the narration text. Narration is one text in English that tells about the past. 
  • Using past tense
Because both of the text include of the narration text that tells about the past, then the grammatical sentence of the narrative text and recount text are using past tense.
  • The communicative purpose both of the text
The communicative purpose both of the text is retells of the experiences or events in the past with aims to give information or entertain the reader.
  • Both of the text have orientation.
Both of the text have orientation in the first story.
  • Have grammatical sentences
Have grammatical sentences such as using time connectives and conjunction to sort the events of the story, using action verb and using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location events of the story.
      Thats all about  the distinction and equation of writing narrative text with recount text. we hope this article can be useful for you about learn writing in narration text and can distinction the writing narrative text with recount text that you will not confused to determine which one the narrative text and recount text. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post. 

1 comment:

  1. This is where I see most attempts at rewriting articles go wrong: through misuse of grammar and a misunderstanding of the parts of speech. See more how to rephrase a sentence online
