Definition and Characteristic Of Recount Text
       Writing recount text as like as the other text to writing. Recount text is one types of text that use in writing method. The writing recount text is almost similar with other writing. but there is some different with other text. As we know, the types of writing in every text that have an unique. Writing recount text basically use to retells about event or experiences in the past that people or author`s experiences. That events have done in the past and will retells in writing to convey the reader.
  • Definition of recount text
Recount text is one types of text that retells about events or experiences in the past. This text is useful to someone that want to retells the events or experiences in the past to friends or other people. The communicative purpose that to convey the information, events or experiences in the past. There is not complication in the recount text.

  • Purpose of the recount text
Purpose of the recount text is convey events or activity with the purpose of proclaiming or entertaining without any conflict in the story.

  • Generic structure of recount text
There are some generic structure such as orientation, events and re-orientation.

  • Orientation 
Orientation or introduction that convey information about who, where and when the events or activity that occurred in the past.

  • Events
Events are recording the events that occurred which is usually presented in chronological order. There is a comment about the private of chronological or events that telling in this section.

  • Re-orientation
In this part, there is repetition of recognition in the orientation. repetition which summarizes the sequence of events.

  • The linguistic characteristic of recount text
There are some characteristic of recount text that possible we found in the recount text writing. The characteristic of recount text such as : 
  • Using the past tense grammar
  • Using the conjunction and time connectives to sort events that occur or events that occur. The conjunction such as THAT, AFTER THAT, AND, BUT and the other conjunction
  • Using action verbs such as WENT, RUN or the others action verb.
  • Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to convey the place and time. the example : tomorrow, yesterday and my home.
       Thats all about definition and characteristic of recount text. Recount text is one writing types that we have to know the basically in writing. Its one of many writing that guide you in writing. we wish this article can be useful for the reader and can be helped the other people or reader in study recount text. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.


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