Distinction And Equation Of Writing Narrative Text With Recount Text

         Have you ever think the distinction and equation of narrative text with recount text? we think, every person ever have think about it when learn about narrative and recount text. We have to back of the post before about definition recount text and narrative text that we have been posted. Narrative text and recount text are include of the narration that certainly have an equation. So, how about the distinction both of them? we have to know the definition first of narrative text and recount text.
        As we have learned, the definition of narrative text is one text that contains about story, legend, short story or myth. From this definition, we can conclude that narrative text is text writing types to tells about story to entertain the reader. The story is base on the real story or fact and imagine story that have a short issue and the end have solve a problem. While the definition of recount text is one types of the text that retells about events or experiences in the past.This text is useful for someone to retells about events or experiences that ever known. the communicative purpose in recount text to convey the information, events or experiences in the past.

Definition and Characteristic Of Recount Text

       Writing recount text as like as the other text to writing. Recount text is one types of text that use in writing method. The writing recount text is almost similar with other writing. but there is some different with other text. As we know, the types of writing in every text that have an unique. Writing recount text basically use to retells about event or experiences in the past that people or author`s experiences. That events have done in the past and will retells in writing to convey the reader.
  • Definition of recount text
Recount text is one types of text that retells about events or experiences in the past. This text is useful to someone that want to retells the events or experiences in the past to friends or other people. The communicative purpose that to convey the information, events or experiences in the past. There is not complication in the recount text.

The Power of Writing

            As like as the title in this article about the power of writing, the writing have a power to change the human mind and its can be change the world. The definition of writing is one activity to convey information, idea or opinion of the author. Writing as information is that writing as the media to give information to other people or reader about news. As information writing have the rules in the information, the good writing have a good convey about information to the reader so that reader understand of information that have been written. Writing as idea is that writing as media to expression of the human mind. With using writing, human can be developed the knowledge and technology that useful for others. The human write in a paper to keep their idea and can be showed or convey to others about their idea. Writing as opinion is that writing as media to convey their opinion to other people about their opinion. Writing as communication to convey their opinion about their mind that have different opinion with other. In this case, opinion as like as disagree, criticism or the other that have different mind.
         From definition of the writing that we have been known, writing is one powerful method to change the world. the writing more change the human`s mind, it can be rule the human paradigm. that can be called the power of writing. The power of writing is ability to change the human paradigm about the subject that have been believed. Its different levels with other writing. The powerful of writing is

Make The Reader Interested In Our Writing

           Make the reader interested in our writing. From this title is tell about how to learn a good writing and unique that the reader will be interest with our writing. Writing is activity to convey information or idea that in someone minds. in other definition about writing, writing is one activity to make passive communicate with other people. Since before the existence of communication tools such as telephone or other means of communication, people have use the communication tools to use writing to convey information to others. But, some of people do not know how to make a good writing that to make easy and in interested for the reader.
         To make the reader interested in our writing, we have to know the contents and structure of the

Steps to Make a Good Papers

Papers is one of the scientific paper academic that generally published in journal and discuss about the objective of the specific problem. Make a papers is one activity that is quite pleasant, because we learn to find a new ways of solving these problems so that train our brain is more critical thinking. But, there are still many people assume that makes it extremely difficult papers and enough to make people confused with the task of making papers.
          In making papers, actually make the papers quite easily for those who already know the steps in making papers so as to create a good papers that is easily understood by the reader. We have to know the data collection in the field and systematic writing papers.
          Making papers is method to convey the research to the reader or other people. Therefore, we have to know the steps in making papers first before we take a research. There are some steps in making a papers such as :

The Guide Writing Bibliography Of The Book

          The guide writing bibliography of book is one of the quote from the book that conducted by the researcher. As same as with other quotes, the quotes in the book has a rule to quotes that has been determined in the research. Quotes in the research have an important rule to support the research and to make a valid data that have been take from the field research. 
       There are some that need to be considered in writing bibliography of the book that you must be have a data from book which you use in reference of the research such as the name of author, year of book, title of book, city of publish and the name of publishing. This use to strengthen of the reference which take from the book.
        In this post, we would like to share about the guide writing bibliography of the book. As same as