Writing a Good and Right Article in Newspaper

       Writing a good and right article in newspaper is important to the writer that more easy to be approved by the newspaper company. As same as the post before about definition of article, the article have many definition as according to the people or someone mind. Definition of article is kinds of writing that have a relevant fact and data which have been collected from the field notes or scene with developed describing without eliminating the real data. That why, learn a good writing article is determine to make easy approved by the newspaper company. Beside, learn  a good and right writing article is to make easy for the reader understand that you write.
     Writing article in newspaper is easy when you have know the characteristic of the newspaper writing. writing newspaper is not need the special ability in writing, but we have to know the
characteristic of the every newspaper company that we want to write because the types of writing every company have different characteristic in writing.
     Before we want to send the paper of our writing. We have to correct first about the words, spelling, paragraph or the others that there are no errors in the writing. The following tips in order to send an article publish in newspaper :
  • Identify the character of newspaper
The first step before you have start writing, you have to know the character of newspaper in the writing. It was discuss in the sentence before, the character of writing in newspaper company have different writing. Before you have start writing, you have to identify the character of newspaper company. Sometimes, newspaper have a the characteristic reader. That mean, newspaper has newspaper readers segments.

  • Identify the character of newspaper writing
Identify the character of newspaper writing is learn to know shape or style of a newspaper article. We have to know the character of words, number of words character, Spelling, paragraph, even the number of characters subtitles for writing in newspaper. Before you want to writing in the newspaper company, you have to read the newspaper to make reference and learn the characteristic in the newspaper writing.

  • Original writing or article
This mean, writing original writing when you want to send your writing in the newspaper. The idea of writing have to original and unique. Newspaper usually like writing original and unique that has never been published by other people or other newspaper. You can get the original writing from your experience, hobbies or skills, Hot news, prediction of the future according the fact and data, politic, religion, healthy or the other you can make an idea for your writing.

  • Writing or typing presentable
Writing or typing your writing to be presentable as possible. Correct your writing from the typing error, placement of space, error the semicolon or the other. Therefore, write with carefully. After you have done to writing, you can correct your writing again before you want to send your writing in the newspaper company.

  • Write the rubric name in the email title
When you used the email, you have to give a rubric name in the email title. This mean, to make easy the newspaper company to know the type of your writing. Therefore, the writer have to know the rubric of the newspaper company. Every newspaper have a different rubric such as rubric of opinion, entertainment, healthy, politic, sport or the other.

  • Include personal data and a phone numbers can be contacted
Give a personal data in under of the writing ( name and a phone number), account number. The personal data is important for editor to know the background of the writer.

  • Attach scanned photographs and identify cards
As same as with personal data, scanned photographs and identify cards is important to complete the personal data especially for the new writer that want to send writing to the newspaper.

  • Send in attachment format
Send with used attachment format and do not use the body text in email. The format attachment such as file document. Then there are three attachment will sent such as writing, scanned photographs and identify cards.
     Thats all about writing a good and right article in newspaper. Actually, writing article in newspaper have a unique writing. you can learn from the every newspaper characteristic before to try send your writing to the newspaper company. There are nothing possible when you try to learn the best you can do. We hope this article can be useful for you. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.


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