The Right Guides Writing Bibliography in Journal
          The writing bibliography is very important in the research to strengthen the research that has been made. Writing resource in the bibliography in addition strengthening the research that has been made, as well as  to protect the copyrights of others and also the responsibilities of researchers towards the copyrights of others.
         In this post, we would like to share about guide the right writing bibliography in journal for readers. This guide writing the bibliography in writing journal resource. As same as the other systematic bibliography, the journal bibliography has a role in the writing bibliography that has been determined. Its aims to make easy the reader to
know and understanding of the journal resource. Thats why, we have to learn the roles journal bibliography. There are some role that you have to know of the writing bibliography, such as :
  • The authors name
Writing the authors last name and the authors first name to be shortened. Thats mean, write the authors last name first then write the authors first name after last name. give a coma between last name and first name such as " Heddy, Jhon. PhD . Use uppercase on the first letter in the name.
  • Year of publication of the journal
Writing the year of publication of the journal by using parenthesis. This aims to know the year of journal publication. For example of the year journal publication such as : (2015)
  • The title of the article
Writing the title of the article is writing between quotes. This aims to make easy the readers know of the resource title and can distinguish with other resource. For example of the writing title of the article such as : "learn sociolinguistics without difficulty"
  • The title of journal to be underlined and written in full
Writing the title of journal to be underlined and written in full that aims to know the types of journal and make easy the readers to know the types of research. For example of writing the title of journal such as : Journal of Counseling Psychology
  • Volume number or journal edition
Writing the volume number or journal edition that aims to know the edition or volume number of the journal. For example in writing volume number or journal edition such as : Vol.21
  • Publication number
Writing publication number that aims to know the number of publication in the journal. Thats writing publication number by using parenthesis such as : (2)
  • Page number
Writing the page number of the first page number to the last page number. For example to writing page number such as : 32 - 45
  • URL Address ( digital journal )
This use just for the digital journal that has been get from Internet. For example in writing digital journal such as :
For example in writing journal print :
  • Garreth. John. PhD. (1991). “Social Control: The Impact Of Mental Development”.  Journal of Counseling Psychology. 21 (5), 21-31.
For example in writing digital journal that has been take from Internet :
  • Robby, Denny. PhD, January 2014, "Basic Learning Computer". Computer Journal. Vol. 21, No. 1,, 20 May 2015.
Thats all about guide of the right writing bibliography in journal. Writing bibliography is one of step in create the scientific paper and to easy the reader to know the contents of the paper. We wish this article can be useful for the readers. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.


  1. A bibliography is a list of works by other authors that is relevant to a book opr article and is usually listed at the bottom or at the end of the work. Bibliographies are extremely useful but little known SEO tools. writing an annotated bibliography

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