Kinds of The Scientific Paper
     Scientific paper is one text writing that shaped writing report and publish about the explain research result of someone research or member of group research. Scientific paper have used by the research agencies or university as one of the requirements achieve mastery of someone. Scientific paper is very important in the world research especially in the knowledge developed. Therefore, we are as a learner or researcher have to know the basic of scientific paper.
        According the definition of Robert in how to write and publish a scientific paper that "A scientific paper is a written and published report describing original research results". from the Robert's statement that scientific paper is written and published report according from the data research and describing by the fact research in the field research.
       There are some types and definition of scientific paper that you have to know in order to do not
misunderstand in each scientific paper types such as :
  • Essay or Mini thesis
The scientific paper that have a fact data as according of the field research and supported by the relevance references that make the research was validated. We can also use the word undergraduate thesis in this scientific paper. This research used to get academic degree of the fresh-graduate.

  • Thesis
This scientific paper as same as mini thesis or undergraduate thesis definition but in this thesis more detail than undergraduate thesis. This research used to get academic degree of the post graduate.

  • Dissertation
This scientific paper as same as thesis definition. This research used to get academic degree of the doctorate graduate.

  • Letters from readers
This contained of the criticism, response and suggestion of the scientific paper contents.

  • Research reports
The reports that write according of the research. These reports are usually funded by the university or institution approved our research report and considered appropriate for funding.

  • Popular scientific article
Its different with the scientific article, the popular scientific article not tied strictly to the rules of writing scientific papers. Therefore, the writing is more general and more easy for the public or readers. The example of the popular scientific article such as magazine, newspaper or others.

  • Scientific article
Scientific article can be written specifically or can be written according to the research result such as essay, thesis, dissertation or other research that more simple. Scientific article can be publish in scientific journals. The characteristic of the scientific article is not lengthly presentation but not reducing the content of scientific articles. Scientific article as like journals have a characteristic writing.

  • Papers
Paper is scientific paper that discusses the particular problems that covered in the certain scope.

  • Working papers
Working papers are almost same with the papers but the explanation of the working papers are more details. working papers is presented in the seminar or workshop that usually attended by scientists.
     That all about kinds of the scientific paper and definition of scientific paper. As learner or scientist, we have to know kinds of the scientific paper before we make a research about one kinds of the scientific paper. We hope this article can be useful for the people especially for the readers. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.

Reference :

A. Day, Robert. 1998.How to write and publish a scientific paper. Canada : The Oryx Press 

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