Guide Writing a Good and Right Journal
      Journal is one of the scientific paper that include the real and relevant data according to the trusted resource. In the scientist world, journal have a important role in the research. Journal has a role to the journal writing such as the other scientific paper. This aims to make easy the reader to understand of contained in the journal.
        Definition of journal according in merriam-webster dictionary website that "A book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts". From this statement conclude that Journal is write down from the personal experiences and thoughts. Journal is the natural think of the writer or researcher that will know about something which unknown by researchers.
       To the point of this writing, we want to give you guide writing a good and right journal thats
aims to make easy in create the journal. There are some structure in writing journal that important have to contain in journal.
  • Cover
In this cover contained of the journal title, writer name of the journal, and correspondence . The title is informative, have a clear title and use the specific title. With reads title, its will allow the reader make easy to core of the journal without reads all of the contents of the journal. Writer name of the journal, the maximal name is contained three writer and write the name of institutions of every writer. Contained of the complete correspondence address with email and phone number.

  • Abstract
Abstract in the journal that aims to briefly describe the content of the journal. Abstract is mean to be explained of the journal without reads the content of journal. Abstract is usually write in 150 - 300 words by using fonts size 10. have a component background one sentence, one sentence of the journal aims, have a four to five sentence in method and conclusion is writing proportionately, usually in conclusion have one to three sentence. have a three to five keywords.

  • Background of study or preliminary
Background of study is explain of the background our journal research that explain about content the research to briefly. This part is include about the problem of the study such as a summary of the every research that have been done. all the background of study information that have been collected from the other resource have to be citation.

  • Research methods
In this part, the researcher is explain design of the research, the equipment needed in the research, types of the data analysis or type of control. If the research conducted in the field, the researcher have to describe of the place, location and explain the conducted of researcher. The general role that have to remember of the researcher, journal research method have to explain detailed and clear so the readers have a knowledge and basic technique to be published.

  • The research result
Include the research data analysis result or hypothesis testing data. Picture and table give the sequence number and refers to the text.

  • Discussion
The researcher interpretation of the data that the observe pattern. Researcher observe the relationship between the variables research which important. This focus on the result discuss primary that found of the research to answer the research question/ purpose of the research. Use the journal references is not less on the ten years. There are all references in the bibliography.

  • Conclusion and suggestion
Contained conclusion answer of the problem of research. Contained suggestion which refers to research. Conclusion and suggestion written in essay form.

  • Bibliography
Just contained the resource in the journal text. All contents references have to write alphabetical order. Its aims to make easy the reader to know the references of the journal. Note that references is right quotes contained in the journal.

  • Attachment
Attachment are tables, pictures and graphs. This attachment is useful to strengthen of the research and make easy the reader to understand of the journal contents.
      Thats all about guide writing a good and right journal. writing journal have many function especially to developed of the knowledge. Journal contribute all about the knowledge such as technology, education, healthy and the others. Therefore, we have to learn make a good and right journal before we want to start to take a research. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.

Reference :

Webster, Merriam. Journal . Obtained 30 May 2015. From 


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