Create The Best Persuasive Text
           Persuasive text is one text or writing that purpose to convince the reader. its that general describe of the persuasive text you have to know. But you have learn more time in this text, because to convince the reader you have to learn more time such as to know the people want, trending topic, the background of the society and any others. To convince the reader, we need technique to convince the reader. Therefore, we would like to share with you how to make a good writing in the persuasive text. There are explain about purpose the persuasive text, characteristic, and the steps to make a persuasive text.
  • The Purpose of persuasive text
            Before we have to go to make a persuasive text, it helps us to know the purpose of making a persuasive text. The purpose of persuasive text is paragraph that invite, persuade, convince and influence the reader or listener to do something.

  • Characteristic of persuasive text
  1. shown the right fact.
  2. in order to avoid conflict of objectives achieved.
  3. cause a sense of interest or trust for any reader or listener.
  4. there is word invitation

  • The steps to make persuasive text
           To make the persuasive text, you have to know the steps and sequence of the persuasive text. There are some sequence in the persuasive text such as determine the topic, determine the purpose of writing, create a framework words, collect the data and compose the paragraph.
  • Determine the topic
             To creates the persuasive text, you have to determine of the topic that will discuss in the paragraph. There are many topic you can discuss in the persuasive text such as forest damage, environmental pollution, drugs, smoke and the other human life that can be make a topic.

  • Determine the purpose of writing
           It was clear the purpose of persuasive text as it has been described that to convince the reader or listener. create the clear objectives and reasonable to believes of the reader or listener. And to convey the purpose, you have to make the clear purpose and short to make the reader or listener understood.

  • Create a framework words
           After you have make a topic and the purpose of persuasive text will be discuss. It is time to compose the paragraphs framework. As for the writing of this paragraph in order to the paragraph in a more systematic and easy to understand. Create a framework such as cause and effect. where the first place of the cause early and give an effect.

  • Collect the data
          After everything is ready. you have to collect the data now. this collect of data is one important steps. precise and accurate data to make the reader more confidence of the data that has been obtained.

  • Compose the paragraph
            After all have been finished, you have to compose the paragraph according to the topic, purpose, framework and data that has been collected. used the right words to make easy the reader to understand and more trusting your writing. reads more time to analyze from your writing to anticipate the error.
               Thats all about the persuasive text that we have been shared for you. You have to learn more time and try to be a good author or writer especially in writing persuasive text. We hope this article can be useful for you especially for the reader. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post.


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