The Right Guides Writing Bibliography in Journal
          The writing bibliography is very important in the research to strengthen the research that has been made. Writing resource in the bibliography in addition strengthening the research that has been made, as well as  to protect the copyrights of others and also the responsibilities of researchers towards the copyrights of others.
         In this post, we would like to share about guide the right writing bibliography in journal for readers. This guide writing the bibliography in writing journal resource. As same as the other systematic bibliography, the journal bibliography has a role in the writing bibliography that has been determined. Its aims to make easy the reader to

Guide Writing a Good and Right Journal
      Journal is one of the scientific paper that include the real and relevant data according to the trusted resource. In the scientist world, journal have a important role in the research. Journal has a role to the journal writing such as the other scientific paper. This aims to make easy the reader to understand of contained in the journal.
        Definition of journal according in merriam-webster dictionary website that "A book in which you write down your personal experiences and thoughts". From this statement conclude that Journal is write down from the personal experiences and thoughts. Journal is the natural think of the writer or researcher that will know about something which unknown by researchers.
       To the point of this writing, we want to give you guide writing a good and right journal thats

Writing a Good and Right Article in Newspaper
       Writing a good and right article in newspaper is important to the writer that more easy to be approved by the newspaper company. As same as the post before about definition of article, the article have many definition as according to the people or someone mind. Definition of article is kinds of writing that have a relevant fact and data which have been collected from the field notes or scene with developed describing without eliminating the real data. That why, learn a good writing article is determine to make easy approved by the newspaper company. Beside, learn  a good and right writing article is to make easy for the reader understand that you write.
     Writing article in newspaper is easy when you have know the characteristic of the newspaper writing. writing newspaper is not need the special ability in writing, but we have to know the

Kinds of The Scientific Paper
     Scientific paper is one text writing that shaped writing report and publish about the explain research result of someone research or member of group research. Scientific paper have used by the research agencies or university as one of the requirements achieve mastery of someone. Scientific paper is very important in the world research especially in the knowledge developed. Therefore, we are as a learner or researcher have to know the basic of scientific paper.
        According the definition of Robert in how to write and publish a scientific paper that "A scientific paper is a written and published report describing original research results". from the Robert's statement that scientific paper is written and published report according from the data research and describing by the fact research in the field research.
       There are some types and definition of scientific paper that you have to know in order to do not

Making a Good Poem and Types of The Poem
          Poem is one type of old poetry. that is like with other poetry, poem have a beautiful sound that unique sound than poetry. Although poem have a beautiful sound, poetry have an important message in every words of poem. in every country have a unique poem but the poem have a characteristic and requirement to make a poem.
       how to make a good and right poem? it is a simple word to create a poem if you know the characteristic and requirement to make a poem. The characteristic and requirement to make a poem such as :
  • poem consist of two main parts the words of the poem and the content section. the words of the poem consist of two lines and the content section is consist of two lines.

Writing Descriptive Text By Using Mind Mapping
       Descriptive text is one of types method in writing that effective to convey the information to other people or reader. as like as the other post that explain about descriptive text is writing technique which aims to make the reader as though in some place that is portrayed through writing, come to feel, seeing and hearing an event that is on descriptive writing. For this statement mean that Descriptive writing is more effective than other writing method to convey information to the reader.
     This time, we would like to give you the method to writing descriptive text more easily and effectively. This method almost use from many research in the world and it was famous method. the name of method is mind mapping or you ever know with call mind map. This method is suitable to collaborate with descriptive text. What is definition of the mind mapping? and who is introduce the mind mapping method?

Create The Best Persuasive Text
           Persuasive text is one text or writing that purpose to convince the reader. its that general describe of the persuasive text you have to know. But you have learn more time in this text, because to convince the reader you have to learn more time such as to know the people want, trending topic, the background of the society and any others. To convince the reader, we need technique to convince the reader. Therefore, we would like to share with you how to make a good writing in the persuasive text. There are explain about purpose the persuasive text, characteristic, and the steps to make a persuasive text.
  • The Purpose of persuasive text
            Before we have to go to make a persuasive text, it helps us to know the purpose of making a persuasive text. The purpose of persuasive text is paragraph that invite, persuade, convince and influence the reader or listener to do something.