How to Write in Newspaper as Good as Professional Writer
          Newspaper is one of popular media that always exist in this time. Almost newspaper company publish the newspaper in everyday to service and convey information to the reader. We think about the information that newspaper get it, where newspapers get the information? .For this question, the newspaper have two ways to get the information.
        The first way, the newspaper get from the employee that work with him. this employee is responsible for finding the news every day and there is always work in the field to search for news. This employee have a contract with company and must be work to finding the news every day. This one way the newspaper get the information in every day.
        The second ways, the newspaper get information from the writer that have information about news. This is not employee that have a contract with newspaper company but its like a freelance. We think you have known about freelance, freelance is somebody who does not have a regular job but they make money from their abilities as photography, computer, design and others.
       The second way that we want to discuss, how to be the professional writer as like as newspaper employee and how easy to approved our write or article by newspaper company? This post will share you
about writing article in the newspaper can easy to approved. Before we explain about the steps to writing article in newspaper, we would like to give you the information that newspaper company have writing criteria in the newspaper. To be easily to accepted by the newspaper company, we have to know first about the characteristic of article in the newspaper in every company that you want to send your article.
There are some steps to make easy to create your article accepted :
  • Newspaper characteristic
Analyze article of the newspaper that you want to send and make article as like as the newspaper criteria. In every part of article usually have the unique character as like as word or phrase that always used by the newspaper company.
  • Words
Words in this steps, we have to know how many word in the newspaper that we want to send our article. In every newspaper minimal have 600 (six hundred) until 800 (eight hundred) words in every article.
  • Grammatical
Grammatical is one requirement must important to create article in the newspaper. Because every people from all society will be read our article in the newspaper and to make easy the reader understand with our article.
  • Idea of Your Theme / Title
In this step, we have to determined theme / title of our article. We have to make the unique title to make interest the newspaper company and accepted our article. This is first important step from all step that we have been explained. For a suggestion in making title of the article, we have to know the issue or the hot news in the society or community. We can going to the market, public station, watching television, Internet or the others. We can make the unique title who have interested topic to publish in the newspaper. There is some newspaper use the unique topic to make the reader curious about news or article in the newspaper.
  • Systematics of Writing
This is last tips for you, we have to know the systematic of writing in newspaper that we want to send article in the newspaper company. Usually, every newspaper company have the systematic of writing to accept the article. So that, before we want to create the article. we have to choose which one newspaper company will be choose and after you have choose the newspaper company, you can create or write your article as like as the requirement article that newspaper company need.
       Thats all about how to write in newspaper as good as professional writer. writing as good as professional write just focus in learn writing without care in mistake when you write. it just about try to be the best we can do. If you want to be professional writer, we have to learn more time and never give up if we are failed or disapproved. We wish this article can advantages for reader or visitor in this website. Thank you for your coming and see you next post about writing.

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