How to Learn Write Short Stories With Ease
         Write short stories is one of intersting activity that we can do to convey our experience or idea to others. Almost all people have an experience or idea in their live, but some of people write on a paper to make story and half of people forget it. They think, write short stories just waste the time and write short stories is not useful. But they do not realize that write short stories can be interested experience or idea to inspire others and some people can be profit from this.
          In this post, we would like to share you about how to learn write short stories with ease. This is learn how to learn right method without confused how to learn basic write short story. write short stories as basic is very easy for us. That why, everybody can be write short story so easy. But we have to know the basic step of learn write short story first.
          There are two types short story that we have to know. The first is experience short story and the second is idea short story. This a general types that we have to know, this types have different definition and character of the story. The first definition of the experience short story is story who tell
about the experience of the writer or other people in the reality their live. This short story is tell about event or incident who experienced by writer or other people. This mean, short story usually tell the reality experienced story of the writer or other people such as : Daily Activities, Accident, Event or the others. The second definition of the idea short story is story who tell about the fantasy or imagination of the writer or other people. This short story is tell about the fantasy or imagination of the writer or other people. This mean, this story just idea or imagination of the write or other people and this story is not fact or realty of live. This story is create to the reader for convey message and advice. There are many idea story who can be read such as : Cinderella, Snow White, Aladin or the others.
         From this types of the short story, we have known about types of the short story. So, which one do you want to choose? experience short story or idea short story?. Basically, write short story is very easy for us. we want to choose the experience short story or idea short story nothing different. We use the same method to create the short story. And how to start write short story with ease?. We just focus for some step to create the short story. There some step we can practice to learn write short story.
  • Types of Short Story
We have to choose types of the short story first before go on the next step. In this step, as like as we have explain about the short story types. There are two types you can choose. The first experience short story and second idea short story. This selection is very important so that we write a short story with ease.
  • Character
In this step, we have to know and choose the character of our short story. If we create the experience short story then character of our short story is the author`s own or other person. If we create the idea short story then we have to create the character of the every figure. Determine of character is one of the step to start write of the short story.
  • Storyboard
We have to create the storyboard to make easy when we create short story. Storyboard is description of the overall of the story. The include of the storyboard such as : place, time setting, storyline and others that conclude in the story.
  • Language
In this step, we create the short story by using simple language and easily to understood by the reader.
  • The end of story
Sometimes, this step is often overlooked by the writer. This step is very important because this is the climax of the story. we have to create the end of the short story as clear. Do not make a short story that floats.
     That all about how to learn write short stories with ease for you. Write short story is one interesting activity that can train our mind to creative think. Write short story is one method to convey our experience or idea to others. Everyone can be writer or author if we try to better and never give up with our condition. We wish this article can be useful for the visitor expecially for the reader. Thank you for your coming and see you in the next post about writing.

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