Writing By Using Heart to Get the Best Writing

            Writing is one activity who need to think aloud for some people to get a good writing. As we know, we have to make the stucture of writing by using our brain and think to produce a good sentence. The writing structure created to get a good writing and to arrange sequence of the story. This method is basic of writing when we want to make a good writing and almost people think this method is efective to applied in the basic student or people who want to learn to write.
            Almost all people have focus in use the structure in writing and learn many time to know the rules in writing until they afraid to make false in writing. They think writing is about the rules in write first before we take to write. According of the Jeremy harmer that "writing is used for wide variety of purpose it is produced in many different forms". From the statement above we can conclude that writing have wide variety of purpose to produce in many different forms. As like as the wide variety, writing have procedure in start to write as the first to take writing.
          The writing structure have the important rules in write and became an important part in the writing process. Actually, this methods can not always be the rules of writing. Because it was more difficult and complicated to applied although the writing structure have an essential part in writing.
To solved the problem in learning to write, the learners or writers can use the simple writing by using their feel or heart in learn writing. writing by using heart is one of the basic method that ever explain in past time. This writing used to make writer more easy to create a story according their mind or feel who have writer's experience. This writing emphasizes what we feel based on the experience that we have experienced without having too focused on grammar and linguistic rules.
        As the basic definition about writing, writing is sequence of letters that form the word so that is becomes a whole sentence to convey information to readers. From this definition, we can conclude that writing is a sentence to convey information to readers. As basic definition of writing, we can understand how easy to convey information to readers without focused on grammar and linguistic rules.
           How to start writing? ok, we will give you some tips to start writing easly without focus on grammar and linguistic rules. This tips we create according our experience when we start writing since we love writing. There are four trick to start writing easy you can do it such as :

  • Believe
First, you must believe your skill and ability. Everyone have a unique skill and ability in writing according the grammar and linguistic. you will find your unique writing when you start your own writing. To start writing, you need your confident to create your writing.

  •  Step Foward
Do not give up if you were failed. everyone ever feel it and you have to keep spirit to develop your skill. if you fail, you have to learn more time and try again. because success never come to people that always give up.

  • Feel Get Your Experience and Imagination
Do you agree with this statement? We think this is one to make you great because ecperience and imagination can create a big idea in this world. So that you have to develop your experience and imagination to create a good writing.

  • Do Not To Worry about Grammar and Linguistic
Yeah, this one that make all the budding writers worry about it. Actually, grammar and linguistic will be better when we learn to write without having to worry about writing mistakes us. The grammar and linguistic have an important when we writing but you have not to worry about writing mistakes. we can be a master when we start writing without focus on grammar and linguistic. So that, lets start to learn writing.
          Thats all about writing by using heart to get the best writing. we wish this article can be useful for the reader in this site. writing is one method to convey information to other people through writing. This method have been used by people since past time until now. writing have many modified since a long time ranging from human know the writing in the cave till human can writing in a paper. okay, thank you for your coming and see you in the next post about writing.

Resource :

  • Harmer, Jeremy.(2007). How to Teach Writing. Malaysia: sixth impression 2007

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