How to Learn Write Short Stories With Ease
         Write short stories is one of intersting activity that we can do to convey our experience or idea to others. Almost all people have an experience or idea in their live, but some of people write on a paper to make story and half of people forget it. They think, write short stories just waste the time and write short stories is not useful. But they do not realize that write short stories can be interested experience or idea to inspire others and some people can be profit from this.
          In this post, we would like to share you about how to learn write short stories with ease. This is learn how to learn right method without confused how to learn basic write short story. write short stories as basic is very easy for us. That why, everybody can be write short story so easy. But we have to know the basic step of learn write short story first.
          There are two types short story that we have to know. The first is experience short story and the second is idea short story. This a general types that we have to know, this types have different definition and character of the story. The first definition of the experience short story is story who tell

How to Write in Newspaper as Good as Professional Writer
          Newspaper is one of popular media that always exist in this time. Almost newspaper company publish the newspaper in everyday to service and convey information to the reader. We think about the information that newspaper get it, where newspapers get the information? .For this question, the newspaper have two ways to get the information.
        The first way, the newspaper get from the employee that work with him. this employee is responsible for finding the news every day and there is always work in the field to search for news. This employee have a contract with company and must be work to finding the news every day. This one way the newspaper get the information in every day.
        The second ways, the newspaper get information from the writer that have information about news. This is not employee that have a contract with newspaper company but its like a freelance. We think you have known about freelance, freelance is somebody who does not have a regular job but they make money from their abilities as photography, computer, design and others.
       The second way that we want to discuss, how to be the professional writer as like as newspaper employee and how easy to approved our write or article by newspaper company? This post will share you

Writing By Using Heart to Get the Best Writing
            Writing is one activity who need to think aloud for some people to get a good writing. As we know, we have to make the stucture of writing by using our brain and think to produce a good sentence. The writing structure created to get a good writing and to arrange sequence of the story. This method is basic of writing when we want to make a good writing and almost people think this method is efective to applied in the basic student or people who want to learn to write.
            Almost all people have focus in use the structure in writing and learn many time to know the rules in writing until they afraid to make false in writing. They think writing is about the rules in write first before we take to write. According of the Jeremy harmer that "writing is used for wide variety of purpose it is produced in many different forms". From the statement above we can conclude that writing have wide variety of purpose to produce in many different forms. As like as the wide variety, writing have procedure in start to write as the first to take writing.

The Influence of Writing When Make Advertisement
          This time, there are many adrvertisement in our live. Advertising that are used by advertisers to get people interested in the products that exist on the advertising. As we know the definition of advertising have many definition that according to the people a view. According of the oxford that advertise is especially something for sale, known to people by notices in newspaper. From this defintion we can conclude that advertise or advertising is notices to give information or make people interested with our products on the advertising.
        There are two kinds of advertising that is around us such as offline advertising and online advertising. Offline advertising is one the advertising that used to give information or make people interesting with our product by using print out paper or banner. This advertising is promote on the way, stuck to the wall and give the advertising paper to the people on the way. Almost same with online advertising but have a different on the promote method, online advertising is one the advertising that used to give information or make people interesting with our product by using online media to promote the advertising such as televion, website and radio.